
It's December!

Do you know what that means?

1. It's the last month of the year.
2. It's the last year of the decaded.
3. It's the month to celebrate the baby Jesus.
4. It's the month that the LOST season 5 DVD will come out in.
5. It's the month I FINALLY finish my undergraduate studies.
6. It's....whatever.

Anyway, so I kind of feel like the decade went by really fast. I think it has to do with the terrorist attacks of September 11. When it happened it was kind of surreal and the days and months following were kind of fucked up. Everyone being on edge and the following anthrax attacks, the "war on terror", people constantly complaining about airport security, Bush and his fuck ups, Octo-Mom...These were all painful but made the decade go by really fast.

I think I might create a TOP TEN list of things that made the decade memorable for me but then again I might not. If I have time which I hope I will after graduation. Anyway, peace and love to all my BBs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot, in December I go to Laredo!!!

