Wanna guess who this is? I'll give you a hint, she's reuniting with a famous co-star from the BIGGEST FILM OF ALL TIME.
Yup, I'm gay...er, I mean, that's Kate Yet-to-WINslet. She's perfection (not in this photo) and I'm sure it's a good role. It's for the movie 'The Reader' (I think) and it's set in the 50's (again, I think) and I have no idea what the sypnosis is.
I Smell Oscar......and she smells OLD!!
So here's the deal, Heinz company decided to release a commercial aimed at us gayz and then after a day on the air they received 200 complaints from uptight soccer moms and homophobic, closeted priests. They took the commercial off the air and that's the end of that.
First of all, the commercial doesn't make sense. At least not to me. I don't get why they used gays for this one. I'm glad that they used them and are showing everyone that you can use other types of relationships in commercials without a point. But they should have had two queens at a restaurant debating whether to put on mayo or ketchup on their salads. They decided to split the salad and end the commercial with a kiss and the tag "Even fags have they problems." I guess there is no second or third point from me. This blog, just like this commercial is really pointless. (BTW, I'm using my brother's laptop charger which explains why I'm online right now for a bit and haven't updated this beyond beautiful blog in a while.)
Heatbeat by Pharrell & some Pussycat Doll reject
So, basically this was going to be a song for that skank Nicole whatever-her-last-name-is and it the singing is AWFUL (mainly on Pharrell's part). Isn't it scientifically impossible for roaches to sing anyway? Like their thorax's are used for rimming other roaches, like trombone players or something. This makes no sense. Anyway, the link is to download that song BUT it's on zshare so you can preview it before you download it and I obviously didn't download it.
If I were Madonna & they brought this recording to me so I could put in my new album I would have slapped Pharrell. Then again, I LOVE this song and I am not in the music business.
This whole post doesn't make sense...I know.
New Beckham Ad is unveiled in San Fran
There will be so many car accidents around this building. The fags in SF will be so proud.
Asco & Hotness of the Week
Honestly, this guy is kind of ugly but kind of REALLY hot...? Should I add him to my Ugly/Hot list with John C. Reilly and Snoop Dog? Yup! I would so be Lil' Wayne's biotch!
NOW I'm getting a bit excited for Big Brother
It's people like this that make me want to watch Big Brother. I doubt we'll have great ones this year but you never know. Also, knowing CBS they'll find the perfect music to accompany every person.
Austin City Limits
Asco, ASco, ASCO!!!
No Sex in this City! That mustache, that hair, them shorts! (BTW, that Sex & the City remark was just random...). He seems like a cool guy but please wear a potato sack when you decide to go the beach.
Lil' Wayne's new CD sells 423,000 in ONE day
NEW YORK (AP) -- The excessive leaks and bootlegging of Lil Wayne's new album haven't prevented it from being a hot seller: The rapper's "Tha Carter III" sold 423,000 copies in its first day of release, according to Billboard magazine, citing figures from Nielsen SoundScan.
I've never heard a song from him, or at least I'm not sure, but W.T.F.? That's a lot for one day! And he's not Britney or NSYNC!? I'm sure it's music I wouldn't enjoy anyway but I still think numbers like these are something to show off every once in a while.
Oprah: So, Lil' Wayne, I heard you were thinking of opening schools in the inner city schools of Detroit where you grew up? What inspired you to do this?
Lil' Wayne: I solds 423,000 in one day bitch!
Oprah: Marvelous, just marvelous.
Asco of the Moment
Sorry for the absence
Since my last post several things have happened. Spurs lost. Lost finale was great-astic! Clinton lost....And...other shit I can't remember...I'll try to post more often Timmy fans!
Seriously?! I mean *drool* of course but I'm sooo over this shit. I just want to punch him in the face....after I've licked him clean.