
So here's the deal, Heinz company decided to release a commercial aimed at us gayz and then after a day on the air they received 200 complaints from uptight soccer moms and homophobic, closeted priests. They took the commercial off the air and that's the end of that.

First of all, the commercial doesn't make sense. At least not to me. I don't get why they used gays for this one. I'm glad that they used them and are showing everyone that you can use other types of relationships in commercials without a point. But they should have had two queens at a restaurant debating whether to put on mayo or ketchup on their salads. They decided to split the salad and end the commercial with a kiss and the tag "Even fags have they problems." I guess there is no second or third point from me. This blog, just like this commercial is really pointless. (BTW, I'm using my brother's laptop charger which explains why I'm online right now for a bit and haven't updated this beyond beautiful blog in a while.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If anything, I would accuse the commercial of being homophobic, or at least making a mockery out of gay marriage. The guy speaks with a thick, manly New York accent so as to give the impression that he is as straight as it gets. But, Ha! Not so fast! He is not straight but gay. The joke is on the gays. At any rate, this does not promote gay marriage but merely uses gays for yet another joke. Relax, soccer moms and drop your kids at the soccer game in your Hummer.

