J.Lo AMA performance
The link is only to the part where she fell (which sucks but she recovered quickly)
I know mah boo took a tumble but the performance overall was sick. I loved it and made me like the song even more....HONESTLY. lol I like this waaaaaaaay more than her buzz track Fresh Out The Oven and miles above the first single Do It Well from her Brave album.
And btw, the fall could have been worse....it could have been THIS:
Now that shit looks like it hurts.
"The measure of things is not what happens when you fall, it's how you recover when you fall."
New Moon makes fat girls convulse
1. The Twilight Saga: New Moon - $140.7 million
2. The Blind Side - $34.5 million
3. 2012 - $26.5 million
4. Planet 51 - $12.6 million
5. A Christmas Carol - $12.2 million
6. Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" - $11 million
7. The Men Who Stare at Goats - $2.7 million
8. Couples Retreat - $1.9 million
9. The Fourth Kind - $1.7 million
10. Law Abiding Citizen - $1.6 million
I saw this on Friday @ 11:25 p.m. and it was packed. In the middle of the movie I walked out to buy a box of chocolate mints and bumped into a fat girl with the 3 wolves on her shirt and she asked me what movie Iwas seeing. I thought that was random since I don't know this little fart and I told her that I was watching the Taylor Lautner movie and she said "Apenas!? Ugh, I've seen it like 4 times already." I then proceeded to kick her in the cunt.
I'm FREE!!!!
Now, you know I loves me some Gaga but what in the fucking hell is this shit!? This looks like something that lives inside a sick human body. Actually, I take that back. She looks like a fetus dinosaur that escaped his momma's vag and made wave for the mic to tell us that the end is coming! SAVE YOURSELVES from this FUCKERY! Anyway, I think I might rock that headgear at my graduation.
I dislike Laredo city council members.
The most popular statement uttered throughout Laredo homes besides "Ya calleron las estampias!" is "There's nothing to do here!" I agree that there isn't shit to do here except for what's already offered in other cities such as dining out, movies, bowling, etc.
City council members are debating bringing a waterpark here. AND now there is talk of coughing up close to $80,000 to do a study on a SNOW Park in Laredo. Honestly, I know that in order to do market research you need to have real money. Surveys and questionnaires can only go so far but THIS is one of the WORST ideas these idiots have ever considered.
For one this city is infatuated with soccer, football and baseball. Basketball might be interesting for a lot of people as well but this snowpark would be built to create interest in skiing. Honestly, what the fuck? As of this moment we are BARELY able to support a hockey team. Ticket sales are low and season tickets aren't selling that well. Why? Because hockey was a bad idea to begin with! Sure at first people were interested but now that the novelty has worn off they've resorted to giving tickets away at a Ross department store. (My friend Lucy can confirm this...lol)
Now imagine a huge snowpark, rare for this part of the country and now imagine a bunch of Laredoans trying to buy ski merchandise, training lessons, and being glued to the Winter Olympics. I can't picture because it's not what this culture is.
The unemployment rate is higher than the state average, 30% of the people live UNDER the poverty line, the economy is in the shitter and they want to continue to raise taxes to build something ridiculous. You know, I'm sure a lot of people are already regretting the building of the arena and the sales tax levied on us. It's like paying a mortagage for a mansion, while we work at the local Super S Foods, and still wanting to take out a nice car to drive our friends around.
I can't believe I get my news from Pro8News.com now...
Even though I can't stand her accent/voice...
I found Sofia Vergara's response to one of the ho's questions amusing...My kind of chica!
One more and I'm done with the Chola talk (for a bit)
Cuz Dlisted shares the same passion for Cholas as I do...
Dlisted.com's creator Michael K. constantly brings the Chola love to his site so I might do the same. Kidding but I did enjoy this scene from "Mi Vida Loca" that was posted on his site.
It's Tuesday!!!
You know what that means?! It's Twister Tuesday! Bring the game and the vaseline guys!!!!
Okay, no really...it's Tuesday. This means it is the day before Wednesday which is Hump Day. So happy Pre-Hump Day to you! Enjoy the midnight humpiness!
"La Whisper" FOUND ALIVE!!
Now to find my new Cholita....Where my Baby Gigglez @?
Got my qualitative paper back and....
...I got an A.
Maybe that should start the disentanglement of her attitude towards me due to our last presentation.
Wanna know what PISSES me off?
What pisses me off is when you'er at the computer labs or at the library and the person next to you just looks at what you're typing without shame. GET THE FUCK OFF MY SCREEN! If you are reading this (which I doubt you are now cuz you would have punched me) then you deserve to be beaten by a chola who calls herself "La Whisper" cuz you ain't go no bizness looking at my shit 'ait?!
Shoo! Vete a la verga! Timmy ain't got time to be ghetto all day!
Confessions of a Sexy Chola - (Previous title for Oscar Contender 'Precious') breaks B/O record
So happi this Cholita gurl gonna break records cuz Imma plannin' on c-ing this muvie!
As Rumer Willis of Sorority Row would say, "We all deserve to die...."
...for wanting to watch this HORRENDOUS crap. Though, I'd see it with the "right" person if you catch my drift. ;)