
Wanna know what PISSES me off?

What pisses me off is when you'er at the computer labs or at the library and the person next to you just looks at what you're typing without shame. GET THE FUCK OFF MY SCREEN! If you are reading this (which I doubt you are now cuz you would have punched me) then you deserve to be beaten by a chola who calls herself "La Whisper" cuz you ain't go no bizness looking at my shit 'ait?!

Shoo! Vete a la verga! Timmy ain't got time to be ghetto all day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"La Whisper" funny. Better punchline: Le dicen la whisper, por que te parte la madre bien recio.

Or,La Whisper, cause she's the silent killer, so you won't know when she's about to fuck you up

