

This guy looks disgusting. At least in the second picture, I mean.
And YES, this is Sammy Sosa in both pics, NO I would not bang him, YES he is the new self-hater (took the spot from Lil' Kim) and NO he does not suffer from a skin disorder.
More on this fuckery HERE!!!


Anonymous said...

See, at first I thought he wasn't aging well cause all the steroids he took. Now that I know that he had some "skin enhancement" done, I find this shit infuriating. Now he's being mocked by all races and not just the pale one. Besides, you don't see white men running to turn their faces black. This is more drastic (not by much) than when black women dye their hair blond. That shit drives me crazy. Be proud of who you are.

Luis C. said...

Again, I don't think black women who dye their hair blonde are trying to get away from their roots/heritage/race. It's a form of expression. As long as they don't go Lil' Kim on themselves then I think it's okay.

