
Feeling Sad & Lonely? (BTW, 200th Post!!)

It's the Boyfriend Arm Pillow! Now, every time the Jennifer Aniston in your life calls you, wanting to whine for hours about how they are so fucking loney and their cats are even giving them the side-eye, you can simply say, "Aniston in my life, go canoodle with the Boyfriend Arm Pillow I got you for Christmas." This shit will save you and your ear drums hours of having to listen to the Aniston in your life's bitches and moans.

"Never curl up on the couch alone again, with this comforting arm that wraps around you as if to say, "I'm sorry work was rotten today," or "No, you pick what we watch tonight," all the stuff you'd never hear from a real boyfriend. Polyester filled with comfortable, snuggly foam."

It's only $19.95! And she won't have to worry about it only using her for sex, because he it doesn't have a dick! Wait.....or does it? Somebody call Maury, because I think we just found Nicole Kidman's real pillow baby daddy.
Now I know what to give my California friend for his two-day birthday! :-D

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