One more week for Thanksgiving.
I know not many people care about this holiday(except those whose waist line is crying out for a looser fit). Well I'd like to bring this topic up only because I'm a fan of overeating. What are your favorite recipes? What do you traditionally do on this day? I used to watch Friends and eat this desert that had marshmallows, coconut, whipped cream and cocktail fruit. I'm pretty sure it has a name or my mom just mixed whatever was left over from the food stamp purchases. Er,...I mean golden dollars.

hi timz! :) as far as I know, we do not celebrate Thanksgiving in here! :) lol...
Greatest day of the year, EVER! The day kicks off with a parade, followed by two games of football, combined with the eating of the turkey and cranberry!, and concludes with what is still, by far, the best night of TV!! What more could a person ask for?! Heck, I love this day way more than the Superbowl Sunday. So, Timmy, take your crappy Halloween, and I'll keep my Thanksgiving, thank you very much.
Luis A.
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