
EW names 15 Powerful Pop-Culture Wizards

When I first started my role as a business center employee at my store they gave me a password for the Western Union computer. It was "wizard". This would usually be followed by either "Here's the list:" or "Nuff Said:" buuuut I'm going to say something different now...ready for it? Okay here it goes....*Ahem*

The following is sponsored by Nooki, the feline wizard:

Okay and here is the list:

The rest of the list is heeeeerrr.
The list has a bunch of random wizards. But they left out the most important wizard of ALL TIME. His name is.....Merlin!! (record scratch) I'm totally kidding. That guy is probably stuck in wizard hell because he'd be out of his element when compared to Glenda the Good Witch! C'mooooon!

P.S. I think Gandalf is gay.

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