
What's the deal with....

people and their attitudes?

Sometimes I feel people are dicks/cunts because of shit they go through and then take it out on innocent bystanders. Or maybe it's just bad customer service in Laredo? Don't get me wrong I've been known to roll my eyes to customers right in front of them and hang up on them when they get all testy (see post from a several days ago...) but I don't ever start arguing with them. Even when I know I'm right I'll just stay quiet and let them bark but wtf @ customer service at the Wal-Mart on San Bernardo. This old bag of bones was being a big bitch earlier today.

I don't wanna get into it too much but she said I gave her attitude when I gave her my card. Why would I do that to a total stranger? Is it because of my natural dickish tendencies? I don't think so, I save my nasty comments for this blog.

Anyway, enjoy your day now that mine is a bit ruined. Maybe it'll pick up but I highly doubt it.

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