
X-Files: I Wanna watch Sum Moar!!!

Yeah, that's a totally random picture of Fox Mulder & Dana Scully but I thought it was more interesting than the cover art for the DVDs. Oh yeah, I've started a new show and this one is an "oldie" and by "oldie" I mean a show I didn't watch when it was being aired originally. Anyway, so far I've seen the first season and I'm in the middle of the 2nd season. I like it a lot but what I didn't care for in the first season was that Scully was always "away" doing FBI investigating while Mulder was being raped by freaks. Glad to see that at the end of the first season Scully was debating with Mulder's source about who should trade the baby alien for Mulder. Anyway....um,...I like the show if you like it.

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