
Some Random Rants

This blog is turning more into a Rant Space for me but I promise I'll lay off the rants...for a bit.

1. Okay so my Stats professor wants us to purchase this program online for $37 bucks which would let us send him these certificates for the class. A friend told me that each certificate takes about an hour...ugh (and is math-related...double ugh) AND that we have to turn in 60 certificates for this summer session. It counts for 20% of the final grade so I can't avoid these. Well I can if I want to fail. I also have to do his assigned homeworks, tests, projects, etc. So this summer seems painful.

2. After I've purchased this program (done!) then I have to download the program. My computer is the biggest bitch alive. The "on" button does not work and I need a new battery. This means that I have to have my laptop connected at all times if not it'll turn off and I won't be able to turn it back on unless press the "on" button hard enough, which I've done so many times and I think it's getting damaged. Anyway, this program has to be downloaded online...which leads to rant number 3!

3. I have NetZero dial-up and it is the slowest mother fucker alive. I've already spent 1 1/2 and it's barely at 25% download. Then again what do you expect for internet service at 4.95 a month...or is it 9.95?

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