
EW Names its Entertainer of the Year

Some fun suprises made the list and some "wtf" ones too.

In my opinion, Tina Fey, Heath Ledger or even Barack Obama should have been #1 and the one they chose was kind of random. They know more than I do, obviously, but since I dislike this jackass I don't think he deserved that spot for two movies that he did. I don't think a lot of people saw his movies to see him. Why don't we just award the Entertainer of the Year award to Tobey Maguire next time a Spiderman is released.

Anyway, here's the list from the EW website:
or if you'd rather not click one by one then the following link shows all the 'winners' in a vertical format with the same info from EW, you lazy asses:


Anonymous said...

I thought it would Lil Wayne or Tina Fey, nothing else makes sense. Although Robert Downey definitely deserves to be in the top 5, he doesn't deserve the top spot. Btw, I believe a whole lot of people went to see those two movies because of him. Maybe not you but definitely a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

I SRSLY doubt it.

Anonymous said...

People saw that jungle movie because it's Ben Stiller and he's proved himself time after time with his shitty movies but Iron Man...? Maybe a small amount saw it because of him but that movie probably already has a fan base.

Anonymous said...

A fan base just as big as Spider Man? i don't think so. After Comicon, bunch of people were excited to see this movie because it starred Robert Downey. Maybe you should stop going to the OMG blog and venture out a bit.

