
Toys for Tots

I bought a graduation gift for a friend and of course I won't say what it is. But let me just say this......someone in this room is going to know how to yodel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I hope it's not a gag gift cause Timmy aint want your gags.

Since you bought it, now I can tell you what I would've liked. BTW, I thought it was really lame when you guys used to ask each other for what you wanted for X-mas in H.S. Just get it for yourself, in that case. I prefer it to come from you, which is what happened now.


In ascending order:
1. iPhone
2. Car
3. HDTiVo
4. 42' Plasma TV
5. Helicopter

I hope I haven't given you any ideas with this.

Seriously, though:
1. Seinfeld 9
2. Batman Poster
3. Sedaris' new book

