Or an Entwife. (According to Wikipedia's LOTR Ent section)
Seriously, when this image popped up, I got scared. I was like, what the fuck is that shit. I'm still wondering, WHAT IS THAT SHIT! Timmy don't play that, fool!
I'm so fucking drunk right now. Anyways were where yo tongight i was waiting for you to talk to me and nothing. I got so man rstories to tell but I can'ttell them right now. I just hope tomoorrow morning i can remmeber the diff ways that I sacted stupidly. Oh well, you don't finish your bachelors revery day. Thanks for the card, man, seroulsy, it was reallyh hnice for you toms ay those things. BTw, who has doubtedl my success, ? Is htere people that ve thalkning gheind my back that I"m unaware off, because as you lkie t say, Timmly dont like that, you fore for a took, or wathever the expression is. bueno, I hope tomorrow is a wonerdful day for you, you have a nice tomorrow. thank you, come again. Oh yeah, this realy cute bear I was hitting on ally night long recommended I drink sometilhnk called Limon and coke. Shit, man, that'll realy fuck you over, fast. I couldn't even see the people awlk ding pst me. Anyways, there are somethings tha happened tonight tha'll remain locked up in the vault tonight. Bythe way, mysister and I had a serious drunkard to dudrnkard talk tonigth. It brought up critn things that I wish I didn't know bout,e specillay how seh thinks I depend tomuch on my mom. I really wanted to sya fuck, you, bitch. Don't tell me what to do when you did no toolead the live of a fucking foster child, bounicn g from home to home.
well, i guess I'll watch conan right now or something
if I wasn't drunk I wouldn't have typed really, really, really private stuff that even though I tell you everything, I haven't told you that. It's in there i just don't think you can decipher it.
I'm a random person online with a blog. I like to make snipey remarks about celebrities and random non-famous persons who deserve them.
I work for a H.E.B. Grocery, attend school and I like puppies and TV. Yes, I like puppies. They damn cute yo!
Seriously, when this image popped up, I got scared. I was like, what the fuck is that shit. I'm still wondering, WHAT IS THAT SHIT! Timmy don't play that, fool!
I'm so fucking drunk right now. Anyways were where yo tongight i was waiting for you to talk to me and nothing. I got so man rstories to tell but I can'ttell them right now. I just hope tomoorrow morning i can remmeber the diff ways that I sacted stupidly. Oh well, you don't finish your bachelors revery day. Thanks for the card, man, seroulsy, it was reallyh hnice for you toms ay those things. BTw, who has doubtedl my success, ? Is htere people that ve thalkning gheind my back that I"m unaware off, because as you lkie t say, Timmly dont like that, you fore for a took, or wathever the expression is. bueno, I hope tomorrow is a wonerdful day for you, you have a nice tomorrow. thank you, come again. Oh yeah, this realy cute bear I was hitting on ally night long recommended I drink sometilhnk called Limon and coke. Shit, man, that'll realy fuck you over, fast. I couldn't even see the people awlk ding pst me. Anyways, there are somethings tha happened tonight tha'll remain locked up in the vault tonight. Bythe way, mysister and I had a serious drunkard to dudrnkard talk tonigth. It brought up critn things that I wish I didn't know bout,e specillay how seh thinks I depend tomuch on my mom. I really wanted to sya fuck, you, bitch. Don't tell me what to do when you did no toolead the live of a fucking foster child, bounicn g from home to home.
well, i guess I'll watch conan right now or something
have a good one, buddy.
Pretending to be drunk typing? :\
Fuck no. I was too drunk to actually know what I was typing.
if I wasn't drunk I wouldn't have typed really, really, really private stuff that even though I tell you everything, I haven't told you that. It's in there i just don't think you can decipher it.
Ya cambiale, no, por favor.
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