I'm over these movies and it comes out in August so I doubt I'll see it. Unless my bestest girlfriend wants to see it. Wanna see it Louie?
Feeding You Useless Shit Since 2007
I'm over these movies and it comes out in August so I doubt I'll see it. Unless my bestest girlfriend wants to see it. Wanna see it Louie?
Hell, hell, hell to the yeah! You know how I normally have impossibly high expectations for every movie I see? Well, not for summer movies. As long as it's fun. Actually, this goes a long way for summer movies. Had Bourne Ultimatum come out in, say, December, I would have liked it so much more. It came out on the summer when Timmy's brain shuts off.
Sniff, sniff, no comment on my Lost fave five episodes.
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