I thought that I wouldn't talk much about politics because everyone gets so damn sensitive on the subject, including myself, but it's my blog and what the hell?
When I found out that Barack Obama had won Iowa I was somewhat suprised. I knew he was an actual serious contender against Clinton, unlike Edwards and Richardson, and knew about his recent poll standings. Still, when I logged on last week and saw that that Obama had won in Iowa, I couldn't believe that Clinton was going to be the next Dean. I feared that she'd have her little meltdown in front of her supporters and that would be it. Instead, she stuck it out and debated the rest of the Democratic field at the N.H. debate. I saw it when it was on repeat on CNN, I think, and was open to possibly switching to Obama but then Clinton did her thing and made me support her even more.
Cut to this past week. Clinton wins N.H. which got me as giddy as Britney does when she sees a 24-hour gas station, and took off my shoes and danced around. I didn't know people were claiming that she won because of a 'performance' she gave that would have won her a SAG award (I'm boycotting the Oscars and the Golden Globes to show support...pfft). I decided to look for it on youtube and don't know what people are talking about. It was suprising that won because usually the winner of the Iowa caucus goes on to steamroll past the other primaries. Look at Dean and Kerry last year.
I think the thing that hurt Obama was overconfidence. His look at the debate was so transparent that the Daredevil himself would have been able to tell (Gosh, that movies sucked hard) Another thing that could have hurt his chances was the way he and John Edwards were ganging up on Hillary at the N.H. debate and the fact that Hillary was able to defend herself. She said something that I believe is what Obama and Edwards represent to millions of people, including myself, false hope. I think that it's great that Obama has the ability to motivate people but I think that's all he'll be able to do. He has the charisma that Clinton may lack but I believe that she has the ability to get things done. The final thing that quite possibly hurt Obama was when the moderator asked Clinton about Obama's likability and how she handled that. She responds with ' I think I'm likable' with a somewhat sad puppy-face but at the same time poking fun at her stiff image. That's all good and fun but then Obama cracks 'You're likable enough'...WTF!? Get over yourself! After the debate some of the reporters started talking about the highs and lows of the debate and that comment ranked low and someone said that it could affect him with women in the N.H. primaries. Polls stated that Obama and Clinton were about even with women in the which candidate they'd vote for but Clinton ended up getting a larger percentage of it in the actual vote because of, what I think, the comment he had made at the debate.
Oh yeah, here's the video of Hillary's 'performance'
She's a woman. She's more capable of showing emotions, especially in such a small setting. If she had done this in front of a large crowd, a la Ellen, then it would have backfired on her BIG TIME. Since when is it a crime to show real emotion. Yes, I do realize she's a Clinton and they've been known for fake sentiments in front of the camera but I truly believe that at this moment, she was being sincere.
One more thing, Richardson dropped out of the race which sucks because he was the only candidate that was actually qualified and experienced. I'm not saying this as my own opinion but really, just paraphrasing from an online article. Anyway, I hope for a Clinton/Richardson ticket! Or a Clinton/Cazares ticket. Even better.