
Let's Ignore the Elephant in the Room (Cuz he dang WASTED)

Hilton tries to help drunken elephants

Associated Press

GAUHATI, India - With Rwanda off her charity calendar, Paris Hilton has turned
her attention to the plight of ... drunken elephants in India.

"The elephants get drunk all the time. It is becoming really dangerous.
We need to stop making alcohol available to them," the 26-year-old socialite was
quoted as saying by the World Entertainment News Network's Web site.

"As part of her global elephant campaign, Hilton should, in fact, think
of visiting this region literally infested with elephants," Goswami said.

Hilton's publicist couldn't immediately be reached Tuesday to verify
her comments. Another conservationist said elephant alcohol abuse was just a
symptom of the real problem. (No, he wasn't talking about celebrities.)

I really hope that Paris is able to save these elephants from drunk stampeding through these villages. She is such an angel!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm actually starting to like her... she's been a good girl right now. She's not involved so far in any illegal cases yet since she was released from jail. Luv Ya Paris!

