
Before God and Satan debate where I belong...

...first things first. I've decided that I want to be cremated after I die. Since I've decided to go this route and my organs will be of no use (not that I'd need them if I was buried but it's more food for the maggots) I've decide to become a donor. Two HUGE decisions in one day. I don't think I should make decisions when I'm hungry and horny.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Getting cremated is definitely the way to go. You save your family the heartache of knowing where you are and you save space. As far as the organ thing: WTF?!? I can't believe you had not made the decision to be a donor already! I mean, you have no use for your organs after your dead, so why not share the wealth. Consider the live you lead, most of your organs are in perfect condition so why not?

Anonymous said...

I actually had decided to donate my organs a loooong time ago (My mom inspired me :p ) But now I've officially decided that my organs belong to the living after I leave this earth. Also I get bonus points with God. *crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

cool! I think I want to become an organ donor too.

