
Early Halloween Treat

Since I probably won't be online tomorrow (did I mention I was going to a concert in Houston from my American Idol?) I've decided to list my picks for Halloween/Horror movies one must see before they enter that wooden box.

They are in no particular order:

The Excorsist -
Girl possessed by Lucifer? Priest with
a past? Crazy Hollywood mother?
'Nuff said. Not Nuff said? Well it also features a hilarious crucifix masturbation scene.

Nightmare on Elm Street -

Crazy pedophile with knives for fingers stalks kids in their dreams and kills them off. Smart man, no finger prints...not that he had any cuz, well you know, he's dead. Oh yeah he wears a nice red and green sweater that you can buy at your local Sears. (Yes they paid for this advertisement space *EYE ROLL*)

House of 1000 Corpses -

Setting takes place in Texas, a girl
looks like Key-WHORA in a pink
bunny suit and it has the funniest
lines from an overweight clown.
"Fuck yo Mama, Fuck yo Sista, Fuck
yo Grandmama...and most of all Fuck
you!" Er, or something like that. I like
this movie because it's so fucked up,
stupid yet entertaining. Also, I don't
know how they figured that 1000
corpses crap into the title.

Poltergeist -

What can I say about a movie that has been plagued with real life trauma (while filming) and has a little girl sucked into the television by ''others'' and when she gets out the "others" get pissed and go after Carol Anne...oooh, even the name gives me chills.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exorcist? Are you fucking crazy? Are you trying to kill me? There is no fucking way I am ever gonna see that, EVER!

Anonymous A.

